Mom Moments

Facebook LIVE Presentation for The Innovative Mom Group during November “Self Care Month”. Blog Presented 11/8/17 by Helen I. Mitchell, CMP, MA
Co Founder of The ReFRESH Experience and JOY Expert.


Mom Moments of Self Care

Hello everyone – those watching live and those who will absorb this presentation when their schedules permit.  I am Helen Mitchell; JOY Expert and Co-Founder of the ReFRESH Experience – an amazing retreat experience where we focus on intentional and joyful living. I am a MOM. I am a wife. And I am consciously present for this time with each and every one of YOU!

So, as I was thinking about my time with you today I realized something that is very simple yet was my aha moment.  We are ALWAYS and FOREVER a mom! No matter what, it is the one title that we can not be divorced from, fired from, removed from or separated from…  It’s our eternal title!

Are we all excited that Elena declared November Self- Care month?  It’s really a great opportunity to focus on ourselves during this time especially when we find ourselves busy and engaged in everyone’s plans and their care. The holidays are especially important time to take care of self.

So, Elena THANK YOU for pushing the STOP button for us to refocus on Ourselves.  Such a novel concept for a MOM.  Today I’d like to share my thoughts around the benefits of self-care from a spiritual perspective.

Today I am your self-care coach!  I am ecstatic to have been asked to share my wisdom. So, let’s get started.

The “self-care” that I want to focus on relates to the activities that we choose to make a part of our lives – that nurture, feed and heal our souls. They make it possible to give our best to ourselves and others.

The routines and rituals we practice can sustain us in the moments of stress and challenge.  That is why taking time to realize our MOM MOMENTS of self-care are so very vital.

I want to encourage moms’ to keep your practice simple, so that you may create a long-lasting habit. These habits will last a lifetime. Rather than an hour of self-care on some random timeframe, I want to suggest taking MOMENTS of MOM Self-care. Mom moments are little sacred moments of time taken whenever you can take them and when it works for you and your schedule, responsibility and life.  Mom moments need to be easy! One moment at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Mom Moments are YOUR personal choice.  You need to know yourself!  You might be thinking that would be nice if I only knew myself.  Well that’s the reason we are working with moments!!!  ONE moment at a time. First step is identifying the little things that will whisk you away from the routine and create a spark of joy in the moment.  Only you can state what is needed for YOU.  For example, 10 minutes more sleep, quiet, music, dance, laughter, reading, and/or a special personal hobby.

Here are my tips for creating your MOM MOMENT Go-To List.  Keep it simple. Write it down or keep the list mentally if writing feels like too much work. Let these MOMENTS find you.  The most important thing you can do to make it work is relax and let it happen. Open up to your MOM MOMENTS as they present themselves.  Set an intention. Just say, “Today I am open to my MOM MOMENT”. Watch them appear.  And when they do, please reach out to me. I’d love to hear about the JOY your MOM MOMENT has brought you!

Let’s get started:


TIP # 1           Time Out

Take a few moments to put yourself in timeout.  It can be anywhere bathroom, car, church, shopping anywhere you are – you can place yourself in time out.  A few moments just for you.  You have them if you believe they exist.  Key point YOU believe they exist, so take your time out.  MOM MOMENT in time out.  Walk in nature, smell flowers, look up at the sun, moon or sky.  Find these sweet moments of time out. The more you look for them the more they appear.


TIP # 2           Get Creative

DO YOU – you know what makes your heart sing, remember those things and do them, sing your favorite song loud and proud, dancelike you use to, GO FOR IT – if you allowed yourself to let yourself, Your Self will show up for YOU.  I blast music in the car. I stop for Starbucks occasionally for a treat. I spray a perfume I no longer wear and in that moment, I reminisce. Small piece of chocolate, clothes from the back of the closet, photos of another time and space. Say to yourself this is my MOM MOMENT!  My indulgences for ME.  What is YOURS?


TIP # 3           Loving Touch

A morning hug to yourself while repeating this statement “(insert your name?) “ ___________ I love you.” It’s a practice we do in church.  It seems odd in the moment.  It’s your MOM Moment to express love to YOU! Go a step further, hugs touches, caressing, the physical touch is a great way to shift a moment.
Mom Moments of hugs, loving, touches, and caresses.


TIP # 4           Inner Work

This can be anything you are comfortable with!  Make it your special time.  It could be sitting in silence, listening to soft music in headphones, love letters written, traditional meditation if that suits you, find what is yours.  Gratitude jar or journal; pets, hobbies, coloring, prayer, Reading positive material. EXERCISE: Give yourself 5 minutes to begin your inner work. Add a minute when you feel you would like to add. Any activity that reaches in and heals your soul.  Where you feel renewed, refreshed and alive… that’s your MOM MOMENT.


It will only take small moments, consistently, to build a habit and see the long-lasting benefits. Moments begin to last longer and longer as the benefits are witnessed.

In the end, it’s not about What you are doing, it’s more about your attitude while you are doing it.  It is your attitude shifting that will make the difference while you are engaging.  Your awareness of how you feel after taking these MOM MOMENTS.  They will add up over time and bring tremendous benefits; a satisfied, peaceful, happy and joy-filled soul.  You will witness a softer heart and kinder spirit.

Your MOM MOMENTS will allow a life lived in your highest joy. You will be better able to give and serve yourself, your family and those to whom you choose.

So, give yourself permission to have YOUR MOM MOMENTS. I pray that you enjoy them as much as you can!


Thanks for watching, reading or listening. Drop me a line or two to share your thoughts on the topic.


Helen Mitchell, Co-Founder The ReFRESH Experience and JOY Expert!

Wishing You the Ultimate Self Care moments, love, light and JOY!


Benefits of Self Care

  • Your mind and body get the chance to slow down and relax.
  • You gain a fresh new perspective towards life, feeling positive.
  • You get the joy of time by being with yourself, another of the benefits of self care.
  • You create positive feelings of happiness, calm and peace within.
  • You are able to refill your energy level back for all the caring, giving, serving, helping
  • You attain a balanced living both in terms of self-care and the care from others that you are open to receiving, which is one of the main benefits of self care.
  • You minimize any stress by doing your favorite things, while increasing your overall health and well-being.
  • You feel healthy and good about your body.

·  Your soul feels at peace and remains in harmony with what’s going on around